Matthias Sars

Matthias Sars (born at 346.12 ppm CO₂) is a musician.

He received his first organ lessons from his father Gerard Sars, piano lessons with Mireille Heijltjes, studied organ (“kerkelijk orgelspel”) at Kreato Hogeschool voor Muziek in Thorn (NL) with Jean-Pierre Steijvers, after that he took lessons with Age-Freerk Bokma and studied organ at the Berlin University of the Arts with Leo van Doeselaar, Erwin Wiersinga and Paolo Crivellaro.

He worked as a church musician at the parish “Heilige Drei Könige” / “Gemeinde St. Clara” in Berlin-Neukölln.

Since 2024, he is the conductor of “Klangbeeth” chamber choir in Berlin-Lankwitz.

Matthias also studied physics at Radboud University Nijmegen (NL) en did his PhD at Humboldt University in Berlin.

Lately he is also interested in electronic music.